

Abalone Sashimi (Awabi)

While Abalone is not so common in the West, it is considered one of the very finest shellfish in most Asian countries, including Japan where it is called awabi.

Salmon Sashimi and Marsannay Rosé

I’ve found that raw salmon can be somewhat difficult when pairing sushi or sashimi with wine. Many wines will accentuate the fishy flavors, leaving a very unpleasant aftertaste. Finding the right match is extremely important, especially considering that salmon is a key component in mixed sushi and sashimi sets.

Tempura with Sauvignon, Riesling & Vermentino

First in the lineup was a light Sauvignon Blanc from Saint-Bris, followed by a dry Rheingau Riesling and a full-bodied white from the French island of Corsica.

Yakitori with Sauvignon Blanc and southern trio

Barbecue weather calls for yakitori! On this pleasant evening, Mizuki prepared a variety of different chicken skewers to try with a few bottles of wine: a Saint-Bris Sauvignon Blanc and white Corsica from Patrimonio.